Friday, March 30, 2018

My Educational Philosophy

As an early childhood educator and P/J teacher, I am constantly reflecting on my educational philosophy and my teaching practice. I would say that my educational philosophy is influenced by two significant factors: equity and modern learning. Children deserve to feel included and reflected in their learning environment. Furthermore, I believe that infusing modern learning and 21st century competencies within my teaching is vital for children today, as these children have never seen a world without technology.

Every child should have an equal opportunity for quality education regardless of race, gender, ability, need or socio-economic status. Every classroom should provide students with an equitable and inclusive learning environment where they feel safe and have a strong sense of belonging. I want each child to discover their passion for learning, develop confidence and a unique voice, who in turn will become a transformative leader of tomorrow. 

This is my personal educational philosophy that has grown and emerged throughout my undergraduate and graduate studies journey. I am a strong believer in having an equitable classroom and imbedding culturally responsive pedagogies within it. Providing students with opportunities to form their own identity is extremely important. I believe in embedding my students' culture and home language within my classroom. I understand how problematic it can be if a teacher imposes their own views and beliefs on their students and I believe that children should never be individualized for who they are. This is why it is so important for me to make sure that equity is always at the forefront of my classroom.

Modern Learning is the other underlying factor that drives my educational philosophy. I believe in the importance of student voice, 21st century competencies and inquiry, which are all apart of modern learning. At my practicums, I have been grateful to work with teachers who embody each of these things and they have shown me firsthand the importance of incorporating them within your classroom. It is important to move away from a traditional classroom and work towards infusing modern learning into it. A classroom like this will allow students to feel safe and have a strong sense of belonging and would provide them with multiple entry points and opportunities to learn in ways that is conducive for them.

Many thanks to Trista Dutt (@kindiekorner) and Laura Harrison (@msharrison10), two my associate teachers who have inspired me to document my teaching and learning in the classroom.